Friday, July 29, 2011

Pixel Film Studios is a Renaissance Club Sport Preferred Vendor?!?!?!

Yes it is true ;) Pixel Film Studios is a Preferred Vendor of the Renaissance Club Sport in Aliso Viejo. But what ever could that mean? Well let me tell you...

With a membership to this fine establishment you could get discounts for our business like free photography. (Did he just Say...) YES! FREE!

Take a look at our table found in the main atrium....

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Carrie + Sky

After blistering noon temperatures, little to no food and water, and getting chased and hastled by the po-po, we can finally saw we have captured Sky and Carrie's fun personalities!

This perfect Southern California couple is swapping "I Do's" in Old Town Pasadena's Pacific Asia Museum in September. Congratulations, Sky and Carrie!

The Pixel Film Team

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

LifeDoc Giveaway Announced!

Yes, a full one-year LifeDoc package may be coming your way...maybe... Why are we doing it? Because, we're awesome.

LifeDoc, for the newbies, is a documentary service that captures the growth of your child and family over time. The standard LifeDoc package spans one full year and includes 12 visits---one per month. The stills and video collected over that year is edited in a film of that year's growth and development!

LifeDoc is a brand-new service for us, and an videography industry first!

For more info on our LifeDoc services, visit, or Contact Us to sign up for the giveaway!

The Pixel Film Team

Monday, July 18, 2011

Dana Point Property | Orange County

We shot a gorgeous house situated on the southern Orange County coastline in Dana Point, CA. Visit for info on their other beautiful Orange County and Southern California properties.

Pixel Film Studios - 35271 Beach Rd. Dana Point, California 92624 - Real Estate Walkthrough from Pixel Film Studios on Vimeo.

The Pixel Film Team

Pixel Film Studios, now in association with LightWork Solutions, Inc.

Monday, July 11, 2011

LifeDoc Sample Short | Pixel Film Studios

Our LifeDoc service is getting quite a bit of attention and folks have been asking about more and more samples; we're answering your call!

Check out these cute toddlers at a nifty park in Aliso Viejo, down the street from our studio!

How cute is that!?

For more info on our innovative LifeDoc services, visit!

The Pixel Film Team

Kid's Athlete's Spotlight Sample | Pixel Film Studios

We've been working on an athlete's spotlight short for a cute little soccer player in the area! Below is a sample cut; let us know what you think!

For more info on Athlete Spotlight shorts and Sports videography, visit!

The Pixel Film Team

Friday, July 8, 2011

Motion Tracking Experiment #2 | Pixel Film Studios Tech

Woo! Our second experiment with 3D motion tracking took only a fraction of the time the first experiment did, and it looks way way cooler... Check out the lighting interactions and shadow play.
If you haven't already, check out Motion Tracking Experiment #1 and the rest of our Tech blogs and experiments!

Pixel Film Studios - Motion Tracking Test from Pixel Film Studios on Vimeo.

How cool is that!? Your thoughts?
The Pixel Film Team

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gamma Correction - Before & After | Pixel Film Studios Tech

For the untrained eyes of videographers and filmmakers out there! Below are before-and-after samples of a Pixel Film Studiosshoot. The subject at hand?

Gamma correction.

The easiest thing to note is the noise in the darker shades, especially the areas in each frame that are supposed to be as black as possible. Note: For proper comparative viewing, set the "Before" video to "720p."


Pixel Film Studios - Extreme Sports Videography - Artist's Spotlight Sample


Pixel Film Studios - Extreme Sports Videography - Artist's Spotlight Sample

Your thoughts?!

The Pixel Film Team

Motion Tracking Experiment | Pixel Film Studios Tech

After 24 hours of troubleshooting, some profane language, and desk flipping we finally figured out 3D motion tracking technology. Mind you, this was self-taught experimentation - no licensed professor or school of film-making here!
What we're trying to say is that these capabilities will soon allow Optimus Prime to attend your wedding and walk you down the aisle, should you choose the "Transformer Wedding Package."
Kidding. But in the meantime, check out our experiment!

Motion Tracking Experiment | Pixel Film Studios | Tech from Pixel Film Studios on Vimeo.

Your thoughts!?
Check out Motion Tracking Experiment #2 and the rest of our Tech blogs and experiments!

The Pixel Film Team